Former Ravenna Railroad Historical Society website

Welcome to the History of RN Tower!

Built in the late 1920's by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, Ravenna tower (with the B&O's tower classification system, Ravenna, or RN) was emidiatley placed in service governing rail traffic offand on the Pennsylvania System via the two transfer tracks at the 'Ravenna Crossroads.' RN was built much differently than its Pennsy sister, MV (Rave). It has alluminum siding as opposed to wood and aspestos shingles.

RN tower stayed in service through the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for years. In 1978, the B&O and C&O became the Chessie System Lines and RN still stayed RN.

In 1983, Chessie System became what is now known as CSX Transportation. RN tower stayed in service even though the transfer tracks from the PRR to the B&O were abandoned in the 1970's. There were still crossovers in Ravenna for TN to man but when CSX found that they had no use for them in Ravenna, RN then became an office for a track supervisor and the tower was still on the list for "open when necessary." The tower was officially closed in the early 1990's and the next years for RN were the worst. It was hit by the derailment of train Q138 eastbound to Newton Falls. Then, heavy vandalism caused the removal of the steps.

What has kept RN from demolition is the fact that believe it or not, CSX still uses the tower to control the wayside (distant) signals in Ravenna. RN will still serve that purpose until a signal revitalization program enters (estimated for this summer 1999). Until then, it still stands.

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The Ravenna Railroad Historical Society, 1999
873 West Main St.
Ravenna, Ohio 44266

Phone: 330-298-0220 Fax: 330-298-0221

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