Former Ravenna Railroad Historical Society website


Welcome to the RRRHS Freedom Secondary Info & Project Page!

This Page is Currently Under Construction. It will contain History & Information on the Freedom Secondary (ex-EL) running through Ravenna.

The pictures below were taken in 1978 by my parents of a Pennsy passenger train running through our backyard on what would later be called the Freedom Secondary. There is a full picture of the steam engine on this train someplace but I have yet to find it! If anyone has anymore pictures or information that they would like to add to this page feel free to e-mail us at the RRRHS. ~R..Moskal

10-20-99 Thank you everyone who has sent information to me regarding this page and this train. I'll be posting you letters to me here in the weeks to come. ~R. Moskal

Ravenna Railroad Historical Society, 1999

Rich Moskal, 1999

(Click on the engine to return to the RRHS main menu)


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